Nigeria Federation of Catholic Students (NFCS) is the umbrella body encompassing catholic students in all high institutions of learning. Its history can be traced back to 1920 when the idea of catholic students unionism came up; an internal catholic study union (ICSU) was created in swiss with George de Montenach as the president to deepen the urgency for reconciliation in a world torn apart by the first world war.
Eucharistic altar
During the late 1920s, the students society charged its President; Montenach, secretary; Max Gressly and father Tschunor to deepen the contacts with other student group, Dr. Gerald Brom, the then General Secretary of the Netherlands Catholic Association of Students responded quickly to this effort and a coalition of the students from three neutral countries during the war was created; Switzerland, Holland and Spain.
On July 19th, 1921, student leaders from twenty three countries from all over war torn Europe, the United States, Argentina and Java (Indonesia) met in Fribourg, Switzerland for the first Pax Romana Congress. Peace was the central theme of this meeting as the students wanted to bring reconciliation to a world torn apart by war.
At the end of the meeting, the congress decided to create an International Secretariat under the name “PAX ROMANA” (Peace in Rome) with the idea that the students could work to build peace in the world under the motto of “Pax Christi in Regno Christi”. At the congress which was termed as the first, Max Gressly was elected as the first President of Pax Romana with Abbe Johannes Tschuor as Secretary General. In 1925, Pax Romana was defined as “a Catholic Confederation of Students from all over the world” with the aims to include and represent all legitimate forms of catholic organizations in the University world and to serve as an instrument of co-ordination for all their varied activities while leaving to each organization complete freedom to develop its own mystique and methods consisting with its own ends.
Nigeria Federation of Catholic Students, NFCS, which is "IMCS Nigeria", was formed in 1956 by some visionary students, under the leadership of late Prof. Ambrose Ali (who later became Governor of old Bendel State). It started from the University College, Ibadan (now University of Ibadan) and Yaba College of Technology, Lagos (Now Federal University of Technology, Lagos). It was approved by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Nigeria, CBCN.


  1. Enhancing the spiritual growth of her members, ensuring that they are imbibed with and guided by Catholic principles in their educational pursuits and manifest same during and after school life.
  2. To serve as a rallying point for all Catholic students in the local chapter, by helping to co-ordinate their religious life.
  3. Create opportunities for students to discover, develop and apply the personality/gift of God in them for the service of one another hence the church.
  4. Promotion of socio-cultural interaction and academic excellence among her members.
  5. To serve as the umbrella under which all the various pious organisations of Catholic students int UNIBEN/UBTH shall function.
  6. To promote good relations with non-Catholics on issues of common interest.
Meeting times
General Meeting
Every first Sunday of the month by 10:00am
Every Tuesday by 7:00pm at the pre degree hall.


Will be made available soon

St. Francis of Assisi Chaplaincy